
The livestream read APIs are long running HTTP GET calls. They are designed to be used to receieve a continuous stream of game actions.

They take place over one open TCP socket. Barring network interruption only one connection should be made for the duration of the match. Each match requires its own connection.

More information on using these calls can be found in the Livestream - READ FAQ.

Character Set

All data provided to these API functions is required to be in UTF-8 format.

All responses will be provided as UTF-8 strings.


Each API call must include the header parameter x-api-key

It is this API key that identifies each call and applies any permissions or quotas. You will be provided this key on signup and you should keep it secret.

It is still possible to specify your API key via the ak query string parameter, however this is not a safe way to exchange the key and is DEPRECATED. If you set both the header and query string parameter, the header parameter will be taken in preference.

Message Format

Messages are sent in JSON format. Each message content differs depending on the type of the message, but will contain at least the following keys.

  • type This field indicates the type of message. The valid types are each explained in more detail in this documentation.

        "type": "action",

The body of the response is a series of messages (defined below). Each message is delimited by a carriage return/line-feed \r\n series of characters (in hex, 0x0D 0x0A).

From time to time new key values/structures will be added to this protocol. Any client consuming this data should ignore anything they do not understand. New fields/values/structures should not cause a failure or crash in the client system.

Not all keys will exist in all messages for all events. No value present for a key can be sent either as a value of null or the key not being present in the data.


The read calls are LONG RUNNING http GET calls. They should be started before the start of the match and shoudd run for the length of the match. Barring network interuptions, there should only be one connection per match.


This message type has the current status of the connection. This message type is always sent regardless of the values of the types URL parameter. If no other message is available, this message type will be sent every 10 seconds to maintain the connection.
type enum

The type of the message

instance string(100)

This unique identifier of the controlling instance for this match.

status enum

This status of the connection to the capture device

The device has not yet connected
The device is currently connected
The device has lost connection
The device has completed its collection
latency associativearray

Latency information about this connection. Only provided if the latency=1 query parameter is set.

total associativearray

The total latency of the connection. The sum of the the capture device and processing time.

1m float

The average latency (over the last 1 minute) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

5m float

The average latency (over the last 5 minutes) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

15m float

The average latency (over the last 15 minutes) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

process associativearray

The latency of the connection caused by the processing of the messages

1m float

The average latency (over the last 1 minute) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

5m float

The average latency (over the last 5 minutes) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

15m float

The average latency (over the last 15 minutes) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

capture associativearray

The latency of the connection caused by the capture device

1m float

The average latency (over the last 1 minute) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

5m float

The average latency (over the last 5 minutes) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.

15m float

The average latency (over the last 15 minutes) in seconds between the capture device and the data being available.


  "type": "connection",
  "status" : "CONNECTED",
  "instance" : "84fdbdb207e13ec48f48225e72739eb2",
  "latency" : {
      "total" : {
          "1m" : 1.2,
          "5m" : 1.41,
          "15m" : 1.3
      "capture" : {
          "1m" : 0.4,
          "5m" : 0.7,
          "15m" : 0.6
      "process" : {
          "1m" : 0.8,
          "5m" : 0.71,
          "15m" : 0.7


This message type has the current status of the match.
type enum

The type of the message

status enum

The status of the match.

period associativearray

What period of the match is this statistic related to. 0 is valid and represents the value for the total match. Overtime periods should start at 1.

current integer

The current period number. Overtime periods start at 1.

periodType enum

The type of period

periodStatus enum

The status of the period.

clock string

The current time on the clock.

Format is: MM:SS:CC
shotClock string

The current time on the shot clock.

Format is: MM:SS:CC
clockRunning enum

Is the clock running?

possession integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2 that currently has possession. 0 is valid.

possessionArrow integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2 to which the possession Arrow is currently pointing. 0 is valid.

scores array

An array of team records

teamNumber integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2.

score integer

The total score for that team in the match

secondaryScore integer

Optional. Secondary score for that team in the match.

summary object

Summary data about the match, keyed by team number in the match, 1 or 2

fouls integer

The number of fouls for this team in current period


    "type": "status",
    "period": {
        "current": 1,
        "periodType": "REGULAR"
    "clock": "01:55:99",
    "clockRunning": 1,
    "shotClock": "00:00:00",
    "status": "inprogress",
    "periodStatus": "started",
    "scores": [{
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "score": 14
    }, {
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "score": 18


This message type has information about the how the match will be run.
type enum

The type of the message

messageId integer

Unique identifier of the message being sent

periods associativearray

number integer

The number of periods in a match, not including any over/extra time

length integer

The length of each period (in minutes)

overtime enum

Whether a match in this competition can play overtime? 1=Yes, 0=No.

lengthOvertime integer

The length of each overtime period (in minutes)

breakPeriod integer

The length of the break between periods, in minutes.

breakHalfTime integer

The length of the break between halves, in minutes.

shotClock integer

The maximum value of the shot clock, in seconds.

courtType enum

Court type of the match.

FIBA Court
NCAA Old Court
NCAA New Court
maxFoulsPersonal integer

The number of personal fouls allowed.

maxFoulsTechnical integer

The number of technical fouls allowed.

foulsBeforeBonus integer

The number of fouls allowed before a bonus is given.

timeouts associativearray

style enum

The way of counting timeouts, by period or by half.

period1 integer

The number of timeouts allowed in the first period of the game.

period2 integer

The number of timeouts allowed in the second period of the game.

period3 integer

The number of timeouts allowed in the third period of the game.

period4 integer

The number of timeouts allowed in the fourth period of the game.

half1 integer

The number of timeouts allowed in the first half of the game.

half2 integer

The number of timeouts allowed in the second half of the game.

extraTime integer

The number of timeouts allowed in extra time.

customEfficiencyFormula string(10000)

A string giving the formula to calculate a custom efficiency value. The formula can use simple mathematical constructs * + - / () and contain a number of variables. Each variable must be the name of a valid Team Match Statistic. For a complete list of allowed statistic names and further formula check the person match statistics.

Example: (sPoints + sAssists + sBlocks + sSteals + sFoulsOn + sReboundsTotal) - (sTurnovers + sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsTechnical + (sTwoPointersAttempted - sTwoPointersMade) + (sThreePointersAttempted - sThreePointersMade)).


    "type": "setup",
    "timeouts": {
        "extratime": 1,
        "period4": 2,
        "period3": 2,
        "period2": 2,
        "period1": 2,
        "half2": 3,
        "half1": 2,
        "style": "period"
    "periods": {
        "breakPeriod": 2,
        "breakHalftime": 2,
        "length": 10,
        "overtime": 1,
        "number": 4,
        "lengthOvertime": 5
    "messageId": 1,
    "maxFoulsTechnical": 5,
    "shotClock": 25,
    "customEfficiencyFormula": "",
    "foulsBeforeBonus": 4,
    "maxFoulsPersonal": 5


This message type has information about the match. It is generally only sent at the start of the connection.
type enum

The type of the message

competition associativearray

competitionName string(100)

The name of the competition

competitionAbbrev string(50)

An abbreviation for this competition

competitionNameInternational string(100)

The name of the competition suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

competitionAbbrevInternational string(50)

An abbreviated form of the name of the competition suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

standard enum

The level/standard of this competition.

World Championships
International Zone Championships
Non-continental Championships
International Friendlies
Professional/elite organisation
lesser standard than elite
lesser standard than tier 2
normal standard (Default)
competitionId integer

Unique identifier for the competition

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this competition set by the owner of this competition.

twitter string(150)

The public twitter account

gender enum

The gender of the competition.

Both male and female
year integer

The starting year of the competition. 4 digits

ageGroup enum

The rough age group of the competition.

Child/Teenage (below 18)
Adult; 18+
More senior ages;40+

Only present if this competition has a logo that has been uploaded.


An associative array of files, where the key is the 'size name' of the file. See the 'size' parameter for valid options. Not all sizes may be available.

size enum

The name of the size

bytes integer

The size of the file in bytes

width integer

The width of the file in pixels

height integer

The height of the file in pixels

url url

The url for the image. The URL returned from this call is only valid for 5 hours and may change on subsequent calls.

venue associativearray

  venueName string(100)

The name of the venue

venueCode string(50)

Short Code of the venue

venueNickname string(50)

A non-offical name of the venue

venueId integer

Unique identifier for the venue

venueNameInternational string(100)

The name of the venue suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

venueCodeInternational string(50)

A short code for this venue suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

venueNicknameInternational string(50)

A non-official name of the venue suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

externalId string

A unique ID for this venue set by the owner of this league.

countryCode string(2)

The ISO 3166 two letter country code. Defaults to league value if blank

countryCodeIOC string(3)

The IOC three letter country code. Defaults to league value if blank

country string(100)

The country. Defaults to league value if blank

suburb string(200)

The suburb/town

latitude decimal

Latitude of the venue

longitude decimal

Longitude of the venue

surfaceName string(100)

The name of the surface

seatingCapacity integer

Total number of seats available

timezone string

The timezone location as defined by the IANA time zone database. See

league associativearray

leagueName string(100)

The name of the league

leagueAbbrev string(50)

An abbreviated form of the name of the league

leagueNameInternational string(100)

The name of the league suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

leagueAbbrevInternational string(50)

An abbreviated form of the name of the league suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

leagueId integer

Unique identifier for the league

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this league set by the owner of this league.

countryCode string(2)

The ISO 3166 two letter country code. Defaults to league value if blank

countryCodeIOC string(3)

The IOC three letter country code. Defaults to league value if blank

country string(100)

The country. Defaults to league value if blank

geographicRegion enum

How geographically widespread is this league.

Only relevant to local area
Relevant to an entire state
Relevant to an entire country
Relevant to multiple countries

Only present if this league has a logo that has been uploaded.


An associative array of files, where the key is the 'size name' of the file. See the 'size' parameter for valid options. Not all sizes may be available.

size enum

The name of the size

bytes integer

The size of the file in bytes

width integer

The width of the file in pixels

height integer

The height of the file in pixels

url url

The url for the image. The URL returned from this call is only valid for 5 hours and may change on subsequent calls.

match associativearray

matchTime datetime

The scheduled start date/time of the match in the timezone of the venue.
Time at midnight "00:00:00" means that match time is unknown.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
matchName string(100)

The name of the match

matchNumber integer

The number of the match in the competition

phaseName string(100)

The name of the phase

poolNumber integer

The identifier of the pool

roundDescription string(30)

A description of the round. eg. Rivalry Round

roundNumber string(30)

The identifier of the round. Usually a number, but will support a string eg. Grand Final. Defaults to 0

matchType enum

What part of the competition is this match part of. If not specified the value of this field for the round will be checked.

Pre Season
Regular matches (Default)
twitterHashtag string(50)

A twitter hashtag for the match

matchId integer

Unique identifier for the match

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this match set by the owner of this league.

pool associativearray

  poolName string(100)

The name of the pool

  poolNumber integer

The number of the pool. This number must be unique for the competition.

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this pool set by the owner of this league.


    "match": {
        "matchName": "",
        "matchTime": "2017-02-24 12:00:00",
        "matchNumber": 89,
        "phaseName": "",
        "poolNumber": 0,
        "matchId": 2,
        "externalId": "89",
        "roundDescription": "1",
        "matchType": "REGULAR",
        "twitterHashtag": "",
        "roundNumber": "1"
    "competition": {
        "competitionName": "National Season 2017",
        "competitionNameInternational": "",
        "competitionAbbrev": "",
        "competitionAbbrevInternational": "",
        "standard": "GRASS_ROOTS",
        "competitionId": 9,
        "externalId": "1",
        "twitter": "",
        "gender": "MALE",
        "year": 2017,
        "ageGroup": "SENIOR"
    "league": {
        "leagueName": "API Test League",
        "leagueNameInternational": "",
        "leagueAbbrev": "ATL",
        "leagueAbbrevInternational": "",
        "leagueId": 1,
        "geographicRegion": "NATIONAL",
        "countryCode": "AU",
        "countryCodeIOC": "AUS",
        "country": "AUSTRALIA",
        "externalId": ""
    "venue": {
        "venueName": "Northhaven",
        "venueCode": "",
        "venueNickname": "",
        "venueNameInternational": "",
        "venueCodeInternational": "",
        "venueNicknameInternational": "",
        "venueId": 4,
        "countryCode": "AU",
        "country": "AUSTRALIA",
        "countryCodeIOC": "AUS",
        "seatingCapacity": 0,
        "latitude": 1.1,
        "longitude": 1.1,
        "timezone": "Australia/Melbourne",
        "surfaceName": "",
        "suburb": "",
        "externalId": "21"
    "type": "matchInformation"


This message type contains information about the teams and players involved in this game
type enum

The type of the message

messageId integer

Unique identifier of the message being sent

teams array

An array of team records

teamNumber integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2.

detail associativearray

teamName string(100)

The name of the team

isHomeCompetitor enum

Is this a 'home' match for this competitor.

teamNameInternational string(100)

The name of the team suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

teamId integer

Unique identifier for the team

externalId string

A unique ID for this team set by the owner of this league.

internationalReference string

A unique ID for this team set by the owner of this league.

teamNickname string(50)

A non-offical name of the team

teamCode string(3)

A three letter code for this team

teamCodeInternational string(3)

A three letter code for this team suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

teamNicknameInternational string(50)

A non-official name of the team suitable for international purposes. Latin characters only.

countryCode string(2)

The ISO 3166 two letter country code. Defaults to league value if blank

countryCodeIOC string(3)

The IOC three letter country code. Defaults to league value if blank

country string(100)

The country. Defaults to league value if blank

sportClass string(64)

Total team sport class value used for para-sports.

website string(150)

The website for this team


Only present if this team a logo that has been uploaded.


An associative array of files, where the key is the 'size name' of the file. See the 'size' parameter for valid options. Not all sizes may be available.

size enum

The name of the size

bytes integer

The size of the file in bytes

width integer

The width of the file in pixels

height integer

The height of the file in pixels

url url

The url for the image. The URL returned from this call is only valid for 5 hours and may change on subsequent calls.

players array

pno integer

The number of the player in the match. This is a sequence number not a jersey number.

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

internationalFamilyName string(50)

The family name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

internationalFirstName string(50)

The first name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

scoreboardName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for Scoreboard

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

website string(150)

The website for this entity

dob date

Date of birth

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD
height double

The height of the person, in cms

sportClass string(64)

A value used to describe the Sport Class for para-sports.

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

internationalReference string(30)

A unique string assigned by the sport's international body for this person.

shirtNumber string

Player's shirt Number for the match.

playingPosition string(30)

Player's playing position for the match.

starter enum

Is the person a starter?

No (Default)
captain enum

Is the person the captain?

No (Default)
active enum

Is the person currently active/on the field of play?

No (Default)
nationalityCode string(2)

The ISO 3166 two letter nationality code

nationalityCodeIOC string(3)

The IOC three letter nationality code

nationality string(100)

The nationality of the person


Only present if this person has a photo that has been uploaded.


An associative array of files, where the key is the 'size name' of the file. See the 'size' parameter for valid options. Not all sizes may be available.

size enum

The name of the size

bytes integer

The size of the file in bytes

width integer

The width of the file in pixels

height integer

The height of the file in pixels

url url

The url for the image. The URL returned from this call is only valid for 5 hours and may change on subsequent calls.

coach associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use teamOfficials instead.

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

internationalFamilyName string(50)

The family name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

internationalFirstName string(50)

The first name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

scoreboardName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for Scoreboard

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

assistcoach1 associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use teamOfficials instead.

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

internationalFamilyName string(50)

The family name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

internationalFirstName string(50)

The first name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

scoreboardName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for Scoreboard

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

assistcoach2 associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use teamOfficials instead.

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

internationalFamilyName string(50)

The family name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

internationalFirstName string(50)

The first name of the person suitable for international use. Latin characters only.

scoreboardName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for Scoreboard

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

teamOfficials array

A list of team officials

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

firstName string(100)

The first name of the official

familyName string(100)

The family name of the official

shirtNumber string(30)

Shirt number

  officialType enum

Vice Captain
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.


    "messageId": 23,
    "teams": [{
        "players": [{
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 1,
            "firstName": "Natalie",
            "personId": 485217,
            "shirtNumber": "2",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Barstow",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 13,
            "firstName": "Sarah",
            "personId": 51301,
            "shirtNumber": "4",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Lucas",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 1,
            "familyNameTV": "",
            "firstNameTV": "",
            "nickName": "",
            "scoreboardName": "",
            "internationalFirstName": "",
            "internationalFamilyName": "",
            "externalId": "83",
            "internationalReference": "",
            "nationalityCodeIOC": "",
            "nationalityCode": "",
            "nationality": "",
            "website": "",
            "dob": null,
            "photo": {
                "S1": {
                    "size": "S1",
                    "height": 200,
                    "width": 200,
                    "bytes": 6482,
                    "url": "http:\/\/\/e6f242b743acefcfdbeb6cb0a6065362S1.jpg"
                "T1": {
                    "size": "T1",
                    "height": 75,
                    "width": 75,
                    "bytes": 2101,
                    "url": "http:\/\/\/e6f242b743acefcfdbeb6cb0a6063462T1.jpg"
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 2,
            "firstName": "Mary",
            "personId": 459148,
            "shirtNumber": "7",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Carson",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 3,
            "firstName": "Kirsten",
            "personId": 456849,
            "shirtNumber": "8",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Sampson",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 4,
            "firstName": "Karen",
            "personId": 485623,
            "shirtNumber": "9",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Robertson",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 5,
            "firstName": "Sarah",
            "personId": 51323,
            "shirtNumber": "10",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Thomas",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 6,
            "firstName": "Hannah",
            "personId": 539730,
            "shirtNumber": "11",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Mason",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 7,
            "firstName": "Rebecca",
            "personId": 459547,
            "shirtNumber": "12",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Mitchell",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 8,
            "firstName": "Shawna",
            "personId": 485659,
            "shirtNumber": "16",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Milleton",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 9,
            "firstName": "Trixie",
            "personId": 529759,
            "shirtNumber": "43",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Mountford",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        "assistcoach2": {
            "firstName": "",
            "personId": 0,
            "familyName": ""
        "assistcoach1": {
            "firstName": "Joshua",
            "personId": 0,
            "familyName": "Webber"
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "coach": {
            "firstName": "Barry",
            "personId": 0,
            "familyName": "Sanders"
        "detail": {
            "teamName": "Southern Knights",
            "teamCode": "SKN",
            "teamNickname": "Knights",
            "teamId": 36348
    }, {
        "players": [{
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 1,
            "firstName": "Sally",
            "personId": 305610,
            "shirtNumber": "2",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Bright",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 13,
            "firstName": "Edwina",
            "personId": 557261,
            "shirtNumber": "4",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Donaldson",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 15,
            "firstName": "Nola",
            "personId": 544313,
            "shirtNumber": "6",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Queen",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 2,
            "firstName": "Nora",
            "personId": 51028,
            "shirtNumber": "7",
            "playingPosition": "G",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "White",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 3,
            "firstName": "Riley",
            "personId": 51833,
            "shirtNumber": "8",
            "playingPosition": "G",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Richardson",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 4,
            "firstName": "Casey",
            "personId": 459027,
            "shirtNumber": "12",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Brown",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 5,
            "firstName": "Jacklyn",
            "personId": 53608,
            "shirtNumber": "15",
            "playingPosition": "G",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Trudeau",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 6,
            "firstName": "Coral",
            "personId": 450828,
            "shirtNumber": "20",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Walker",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 7,
            "firstName": "Caroline",
            "personId": 550029,
            "shirtNumber": "21",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Brightman",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 1,
            "pno": 8,
            "firstName": "Alison",
            "personId": 450829,
            "shirtNumber": "23",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Frederickson",
            "starter": 1,
            "captain": 0
        }, {
            "active": 0,
            "pno": 17,
            "firstName": "Elsie",
            "personId": 270906,
            "shirtNumber": "25",
            "playingPosition": "",
            "height": 0,
            "familyName": "Charles",
            "starter": 0,
            "captain": 0
        "assistcoach2": {
            "firstName": "",
            "personId": 0,
            "familyName": ""
        "assistcoach1": {
            "firstName": "",
            "personId": 0,
            "familyName": ""
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "coach": {
            "firstName": "",
            "personId": 0,
            "familyName": ""
        "detail": {
            "teamName": "Northern Dragons",
            "teamCode": "NOR",
            "teamNickname": "Dragons",
            "teamId": 550
    "type": "teams"


This message type contains information about the match officials assigned to the match
type enum

The type of the message

messageId integer

Unique identifier of the message being sent

commissioner associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use matchOfficials property instead

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

referee1 associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use matchOfficials property instead

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

referee2 associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use matchOfficials property instead

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

referee3 associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use matchOfficials property instead

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

technicaldelegate associativearray

DEPRECATED. Use matchOfficials property instead

personId integer

Unique identifier for the person

familyName string(50)

The family name of the person

firstName string(50)

The first name of the person

TVName string(50)

The name of the person suitable for TV or other media

nickName string(50)

A non-official name of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

statisticians array

An array of statisticians

firstName string(100)

The first name of the statistician

familyName string(100)

The family name of the statistician

statisticianId integer

The unique id given to this statistician

statisticianType enum

The job the statistician is performing for this match

The person entering the statistics
The person calling the statistics
matchOfficials array

A list of match officials

firstName string(100)

The first name of the official

familyName string(100)

The family name of the official

shirtNumber string(30)

Shirt number

personId integer

Unique id of the person

externalId string(50)

A unique ID for this person set by the owner of this league.

  officialType enum

Official Type

Vice Captain
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
Assistant Referee
Reserve Referee
Reserve Assistant Referee
Medical Staff
Match Official
Assistant Scorekeeper
Video Operator
Crew Chief
Technical Delegate


This message type contains box score information.
type enum

The type of the message

teams array

An array of teams

teamNumber integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2.

total associativearray

players array

An array of players' boxscore data

pno integer

The number of the player in the match. This is a sequence number not a jersey number.

sAssists integer

sAssistsTurnoverRatio decimal

Calculated Field

sBlocks integer

sBlocksReceived integer

sDefensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

(100 * (sOppTeamPoints / sTeamPossessions)) + 0.2 * (100 * ( sOppTeamPoints / (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sOppTeamFreeThrowsMade / sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted*0.4)) * (1 - ((((sSteals + sBlocks * (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) / ((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + (1 - (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted)) * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) * (1 - 1.07 * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + sReboundsDefensive * (1 - (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) / ((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + (1 - (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted)) * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))))) + ( (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted - sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade - sTeamBlocks) / sTeamMinutes) * (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) / ((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + (1 - (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted)) * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) * (1 - 1.07 * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + ((sOppTeamTurnovers - sTeamSteals) / sTeamMinutes)) * sMinutes + (sFoulsPersonal / sTeamFoulsPersonal) * 0.4 * sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * (1 - (sOppTeamFreeThrowsMade / sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2))* sOppTeamMinutes) / (sTeamPossessions * sMinutes))) - (100 * (sOppTeamPoints / sTeamPossessions)))
sEfficiency decimal

Calculated Field

sEfficiencyCustom decimal

sEfficiencyGameScore decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints + 0.4 * sFieldGoalsMade - 0.7 * sFieldGoalsAttempted - 0.4 * ( sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade) + 0.7 * sReboundsOffensive + 0.3 * sReboundsDefensive + sSteals + 0.7 * sAssists + 0.7 * sBlocks - 0.4 * sFoulsPersonal - sTurnovers
sFastBreakPointsAttempted integer

sFastBreakPointsMade integer

sFastBreakPointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFastBreakPointsMade / sFastBreakPointsAttempted
sUsagePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

default formula: 100*((0.44*sFreeThrowsAttempted+sFieldGoalsAttempted+sTurnovers)*(sTeamMinutes/5))/(sMinutes*(sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted+0.44*sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted+sTeamTurnovers))
sFieldGoalsAttempted integer

sFieldGoalsEffectivePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sFieldGoalsMade + 0.5 sThreePointersMade)/sFieldGoalsAttempted
sFieldGoalsMade integer

sFieldGoalsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFoulsCoachDisqualifying integer

sFoulsCoachTechnical integer

sFoulsDisqualifying integer

sFoulsOffensive integer

sFoulsOn integer

sFoulsPersonal integer

sFoulsTechnical integer

sFoulsThrowIn integer

A throw in, also known as an inbound pass, is a method of putting the ball into play in a basketball game.

sFoulsUnsportsmanlike integer

sFouledOut integer

Has the player Fouled Out. null - unknown, 0 - false, 1 - true

floor(sFoulsPersonal / CompetitionFormat.foulsPersonal)
sFreeThrowsAttempted integer

sFreeThrowsMade integer

sFreeThrowsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFreeThrowsMade / sFreeThrowsAttempted
sMVPVotes integer

sMinus decimal

sMinutes decimal

sOffensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

100 * (( ((2 * (sFieldGoalsMade + 0.5 * sThreePointersMade) * (1 - 0.5 * ((sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade) / (2 * sFieldGoalsAttempted)) * ( ((sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5)) * (1.14 * ((sTeamAssists - sAssists) / sTeamFieldGoalsMade))) + ((((sTeamAssists / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sAssists) / ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sFieldGoalsMade)) * (1 - (sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5))))))) + (2 * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade - sFieldGoalsMade + 0.5 * (sTeamThreePointersMade - sThreePointersMade)) / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade - sFieldGoalsMade)) * 0.5 * (((sTeamPoints - sTeamFreeThrowsMade) - (sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade)) / (2 * (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsAttempted))) * sAssists) + sFreeThrowsMade) * (1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4)) * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) + (sReboundsOffensive * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) * (sTeamPoints / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * 0.4 * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))))/ ((((sFieldGoalsMade * (1 - 0.5 * ((sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade) / (2 * sFieldGoalsAttempted)) * ( ((sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5)) * (1.14 * ((sTeamAssists - sAssists) / sTeamFieldGoalsMade))) + ((((sTeamAssists / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sAssists) / ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sFieldGoalsMade)) * (1 - (sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5))))))) + (0.5 * (((sTeamPoints - sTeamFreeThrowsMade) - (sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade)) / (2 * (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsAttempted))) * sAssists) + ((1 - ( 1 - (sFreeThrowsMade/sFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * 0.4 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)) * (1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4)) * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) + (sReboundsOffensive * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)))) + ((sFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsMade) * (1 - 1.07 * (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))))) + (((1 - (sFreeThrowsMade / sFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * 0.4 * sFreeThrowsAttempted) + sTurnovers))
sPlus decimal

sPlusMinusPoints integer

Calculated Field

sPlus - sMinus
sPoints integer

Calculated Field

(sTwoPointersMade * 2) + (sThreePointersMade * 3) + sFreeThrowsMade
sPointsFastBreak integer

sPointsInThePaint integer

sPointsInThePaintAttempted integer

sPointsInThePaintMade integer

sPointsInThePaintPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsInThePaintMade / sPointsInThePaintAttempted
sPointsSecondChance integer

sReboundsDefensive integer

sReboundsDefensivePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sReboundsDefensive * (sTeamMinutes /5)) / (sMinutes * (sTeamReboundsDefensive + sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))
sReboundsOffensive integer

sReboundsOffensivePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sReboundsOffensive * (sTeamMinutes /5)) / (sMinutes * (sTeamReboundsOffensive + sOppTeamReboundsDefensive))
sReboundsPercentage integer

Calculated Field

(sReboundsTotal * (sTeamMinutes /5)) / (sMinutes * (sTeamReboundsTotal + sOppTeamReboundsTotal))
sReboundsTotal integer

Calculated Field

sReboundsOffensive + sReboundsDefensive
sSecondChancePointsAttempted integer

sSecondChancePointsMade integer

sSecondChancePointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sSecondChancePointsMade / sSecondChancePointsAttempted
sSteals integer

sStealsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sSteals * (sTeamMinutes / 5)) / (sMinutes * sOppTeamPossessions)
sThreePointersAttempted integer

sThreePointersMade integer

sThreePointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sThreePointersMade / sThreePointersAttempted
sTrueShootingAttempts decimal

Calculated Field

sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
sTrueShootingPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints / (2 * sTrueShootingAttempts )
sTurnovers integer

sTurnoversPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sTurnovers / ( sFieldGoalsAttempted + 0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted + sTurnovers)
sTwoPointersAttempted integer

sTwoPointersMade integer

sTwoPointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sTwoPointersMade / sTwoPointersAttempted
team associativearray

The team's boxscore statistics

sAssists integer

sAssistsDefensive integer

sAssistsTurnoverRatio decimal

Calculated Field

sBenchPoints integer

sBiggestLead integer

sBiggestLeadScore string

Format is: 22-45
sBiggestScoringRun integer

sBiggestScoringRunScore string

Format is: 22-45
sBlocks integer

sBlocksReceived integer

sDefensivePointsPerPossession decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsAgainst / sPossessions
sDefensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsAgainst/sPossessions * 100
sEfficiency decimal

Calculated Field

sEfficiencyCustom decimal

sFastBreakPointsAttempted integer

sFastBreakPointsMade integer

sFastBreakPointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFastBreakPointsMade / sFastBreakPointsAttempted
sFieldGoalsAttempted integer

sFieldGoalsEffectiveAdjusted decimal

Calculated Field

(sFieldGoalsMade + (0.5 * sThreePointMade)) / sFieldGoalsAttempted
sFieldGoalsMade integer

sFieldGoalsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFoulsBenchTechnical integer

sFoulsCoachDisqualifying integer

sFoulsCoachTechnical integer

sFoulsDisqualifying integer

sFoulsOffensive integer

sFoulsOn integer

sFoulsPersonal integer

The sum of the personal fouls of all team members

sFoulsTeam integer

Calculated Field

sFoulsCoachDisqualifying + sFoulsCoachTechnical + sFoulsBenchTechnical + sFoulsTechnicalOther
sFoulsTechnical integer

sFoulsTechnicalOther integer

sFoulsThrowIn integer

A throw in, also known as an inbound pass, is a method of putting the ball into play in a basketball game.

sFoulsTotal integer

Calculated Field

sFoulsThrowIn + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsCoachDisqualifying + sFoulsCoachTechnical + sFoulsBenchTechnical + sFoulsTechnicalOther
sFoulsUnsportsmanlike integer

sFouledOut integer

sFreeThrowsAttempted integer

sFreeThrowsMade integer

sFreeThrowsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFreeThrowsMade / sFreeThrowsAttempted
sLeadChanges integer

sMinutes decimal

sOffensivePointsPerPossession decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints / sPossessions
sOffensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints * 100 / sPossessions
sPace decimal

Calculated Field

(NumberOfPeriods * PeriodLength ) * (( sPossessions + sOppPossessions ) / ( 2 * ( sMinutes /5 )))
sPoints integer

Calculated Field

(sTwoPointersMade * 2) + (sThreePointersMade * 3) + sFreeThrowsMade
sPointsAgainst integer

Calculated Field

sPointsFastBreak integer

sPointsFromTurnovers integer

sPointsInThePaint integer

sPointsInThePaintAttempted integer

sPointsInThePaintMade integer

sPointsInThePaintPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsInThePaintMade / sPointsInThePaintAttempted
sPointsSecondChance integer

sPossessions decimal

Calculated Field

0.5 * ((sFieldGoalsAttempted + 0.4 * sFreeThrowsAttempted - 1.07 * (sReboundsOffensive / (sReboundsOffensive + sOppReboundsDefensive )) * (sFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsMade) + sTurnovers) + (sOppFieldGoalsAttempted + 0.4 * sOppFreeThrowsAttempted - 1.07 * (sOppReboundsOffensive / (sOppReboundsOffensive + sReboundsDefensive)) * (sOppFieldGoalsAttempted - sOppFieldGoalsMade) + sOppTurnovers))
sPossessionsOpponent decimal

Calculated Field

sReboundsDefensive integer

sReboundsOffensive integer

sReboundsPersonal integer

Calculated Field

(sReboundsDefensive - sReboundsTeamDefensive) + (sReboundsOffensive - sReboundsTeamOffensive)
sReboundsTeam integer

sReboundsTeamOffensive + sReboundsTeamDefensive
sReboundsTeamDefensive integer

sReboundsTeamOffensive integer

sReboundsTotal integer

Calculated Field

sReboundsOffensive + sReboundsDefensive
sReboundsDefensiveDeadball integer

Defensive deadball rebounds.

sReboundsOffensiveDeadball integer

Offensive deadball rebounds.

sSecondChancePointsAttempted integer

sSecondChancePointsMade integer

sSecondChancePointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sSecondChancePointsMade / sSecondChancePointsAttempted
sSteals integer

sThreePointersAttempted integer

sThreePointersMade integer

sThreePointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sThreePointersMade / sThreePointersAttempted
sTimeLeading decimal

sTimesScoresLevel integer

sTransitionDefence decimal

Calculated Field

sTransitionOffence decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsFastBreak / sSteals
sTurnovers integer

sTurnoversTeam integer

sTwoPointersAttempted integer

sTwoPointersMade integer

sTwoPointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sTwoPointersMade / sTwoPointersAttempted
sHeadCoachChallengeAccepted integer

sHeadCoachChallengeRejected integer

periods array

An array of periods. Optionally depending on types parameter

period integer

What period of the match is this statistic related to. 0 is valid and represents the value for the total match. Overtime periods should start at 1.

periodType enum

The type of period

players array

An array of players' boxscore data

pno integer

The number of the player in the match. This is a sequence number not a jersey number.

sAssists integer

sAssistsTurnoverRatio decimal

Calculated Field

sBlocks integer

sBlocksReceived integer

sDefensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

(100 * (sOppTeamPoints / sTeamPossessions)) + 0.2 * (100 * ( sOppTeamPoints / (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sOppTeamFreeThrowsMade / sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted*0.4)) * (1 - ((((sSteals + sBlocks * (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) / ((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + (1 - (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted)) * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) * (1 - 1.07 * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + sReboundsDefensive * (1 - (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) / ((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + (1 - (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted)) * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))))) + ( (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted - sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade - sTeamBlocks) / sTeamMinutes) * (((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) / ((sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted) * (1 - (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + (1 - (sOppTeamFieldGoalsMade / sOppTeamFieldGoalsAttempted)) * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive)))) * (1 - 1.07 * (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive / (sOppTeamReboundsOffensive + sTeamReboundsDefensive))) + ((sOppTeamTurnovers - sTeamSteals) / sTeamMinutes)) * sMinutes + (sFoulsPersonal / sTeamFoulsPersonal) * 0.4 * sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * (1 - (sOppTeamFreeThrowsMade / sOppTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2))* sOppTeamMinutes) / (sTeamPossessions * sMinutes))) - (100 * (sOppTeamPoints / sTeamPossessions)))
sEfficiency decimal

Calculated Field

sEfficiencyCustom decimal

sEfficiencyGameScore decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints + 0.4 * sFieldGoalsMade - 0.7 * sFieldGoalsAttempted - 0.4 * ( sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade) + 0.7 * sReboundsOffensive + 0.3 * sReboundsDefensive + sSteals + 0.7 * sAssists + 0.7 * sBlocks - 0.4 * sFoulsPersonal - sTurnovers
sFastBreakPointsAttempted integer

sFastBreakPointsMade integer

sFastBreakPointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFastBreakPointsMade / sFastBreakPointsAttempted
sUsagePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

default formula: 100*((0.44*sFreeThrowsAttempted+sFieldGoalsAttempted+sTurnovers)*(sTeamMinutes/5))/(sMinutes*(sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted+0.44*sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted+sTeamTurnovers))
sFieldGoalsAttempted integer

sFieldGoalsEffectivePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sFieldGoalsMade + 0.5 sThreePointersMade)/sFieldGoalsAttempted
sFieldGoalsMade integer

sFieldGoalsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFoulsCoachDisqualifying integer

sFoulsCoachTechnical integer

sFoulsDisqualifying integer

sFoulsOffensive integer

sFoulsOn integer

sFoulsPersonal integer

sFoulsTechnical integer

sFoulsThrowIn integer

A throw in, also known as an inbound pass, is a method of putting the ball into play in a basketball game.

sFoulsUnsportsmanlike integer

sFouledOut integer

Has the player Fouled Out. null - unknown, 0 - false, 1 - true

floor(sFoulsPersonal / CompetitionFormat.foulsPersonal)
sFreeThrowsAttempted integer

sFreeThrowsMade integer

sFreeThrowsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFreeThrowsMade / sFreeThrowsAttempted
sMVPVotes integer

sMinus decimal

sMinutes decimal

sOffensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

100 * (( ((2 * (sFieldGoalsMade + 0.5 * sThreePointersMade) * (1 - 0.5 * ((sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade) / (2 * sFieldGoalsAttempted)) * ( ((sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5)) * (1.14 * ((sTeamAssists - sAssists) / sTeamFieldGoalsMade))) + ((((sTeamAssists / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sAssists) / ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sFieldGoalsMade)) * (1 - (sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5))))))) + (2 * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade - sFieldGoalsMade + 0.5 * (sTeamThreePointersMade - sThreePointersMade)) / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade - sFieldGoalsMade)) * 0.5 * (((sTeamPoints - sTeamFreeThrowsMade) - (sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade)) / (2 * (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsAttempted))) * sAssists) + sFreeThrowsMade) * (1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4)) * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) + (sReboundsOffensive * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) * (sTeamPoints / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * 0.4 * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))))/ ((((sFieldGoalsMade * (1 - 0.5 * ((sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade) / (2 * sFieldGoalsAttempted)) * ( ((sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5)) * (1.14 * ((sTeamAssists - sAssists) / sTeamFieldGoalsMade))) + ((((sTeamAssists / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sAssists) / ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade / sTeamMinutes) * sMinutes * 5 - sFieldGoalsMade)) * (1 - (sMinutes / (sTeamMinutes / 5))))))) + (0.5 * (((sTeamPoints - sTeamFreeThrowsMade) - (sPoints - sFreeThrowsMade)) / (2 * (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsAttempted))) * sAssists) + ((1 - ( 1 - (sFreeThrowsMade/sFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * 0.4 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)) * (1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4)) * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) + (sReboundsOffensive * (((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))) / ((1 - (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive)))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)) + (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))) * (1 - ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers))))) * ((sTeamFieldGoalsMade + (1 - (1 - (sTeamFreeThrowsMade / sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4) / (sTeamFieldGoalsAttempted + sTeamFreeThrowsAttempted * 0.4 + sTeamTurnovers)))) + ((sFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsMade) * (1 - 1.07 * (sTeamReboundsOffensive / (sTeamReboundsOffensive + (sOppTeamReboundsTotal - sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))))) + (((1 - (sFreeThrowsMade / sFreeThrowsAttempted))^2) * 0.4 * sFreeThrowsAttempted) + sTurnovers))
sPlus decimal

sPlusMinusPoints integer

Calculated Field

sPlus - sMinus
sPoints integer

Calculated Field

(sTwoPointersMade * 2) + (sThreePointersMade * 3) + sFreeThrowsMade
sPointsFastBreak integer

sPointsInThePaint integer

sPointsInThePaintAttempted integer

sPointsInThePaintMade integer

sPointsInThePaintPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsInThePaintMade / sPointsInThePaintAttempted
sPointsSecondChance integer

sReboundsDefensive integer

sReboundsDefensivePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sReboundsDefensive * (sTeamMinutes /5)) / (sMinutes * (sTeamReboundsDefensive + sOppTeamReboundsOffensive))
sReboundsOffensive integer

sReboundsOffensivePercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sReboundsOffensive * (sTeamMinutes /5)) / (sMinutes * (sTeamReboundsOffensive + sOppTeamReboundsDefensive))
sReboundsPercentage integer

Calculated Field

(sReboundsTotal * (sTeamMinutes /5)) / (sMinutes * (sTeamReboundsTotal + sOppTeamReboundsTotal))
sReboundsTotal integer

Calculated Field

sReboundsOffensive + sReboundsDefensive
sSecondChancePointsAttempted integer

sSecondChancePointsMade integer

sSecondChancePointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sSecondChancePointsMade / sSecondChancePointsAttempted
sSteals integer

sStealsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

(sSteals * (sTeamMinutes / 5)) / (sMinutes * sOppTeamPossessions)
sThreePointersAttempted integer

sThreePointersMade integer

sThreePointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sThreePointersMade / sThreePointersAttempted
sTrueShootingAttempts decimal

Calculated Field

sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
sTrueShootingPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints / (2 * sTrueShootingAttempts )
sTurnovers integer

sTurnoversPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sTurnovers / ( sFieldGoalsAttempted + 0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted + sTurnovers)
sTwoPointersAttempted integer

sTwoPointersMade integer

sTwoPointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sTwoPointersMade / sTwoPointersAttempted
team associativearray

The team's boxscore statistics

sAssists integer

sAssistsDefensive integer

sAssistsTurnoverRatio decimal

Calculated Field

sBenchPoints integer

sBiggestLead integer

sBiggestLeadScore string

Format is: 22-45
sBiggestScoringRun integer

sBiggestScoringRunScore string

Format is: 22-45
sBlocks integer

sBlocksReceived integer

sDefensivePointsPerPossession decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsAgainst / sPossessions
sDefensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsAgainst/sPossessions * 100
sEfficiency decimal

Calculated Field

sEfficiencyCustom decimal

sFastBreakPointsAttempted integer

sFastBreakPointsMade integer

sFastBreakPointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFastBreakPointsMade / sFastBreakPointsAttempted
sFieldGoalsAttempted integer

sFieldGoalsEffectiveAdjusted decimal

Calculated Field

(sFieldGoalsMade + (0.5 * sThreePointMade)) / sFieldGoalsAttempted
sFieldGoalsMade integer

sFieldGoalsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFoulsBenchTechnical integer

sFoulsCoachDisqualifying integer

sFoulsCoachTechnical integer

sFoulsDisqualifying integer

sFoulsOffensive integer

sFoulsOn integer

sFoulsPersonal integer

The sum of the personal fouls of all team members

sFoulsTeam integer

Calculated Field

sFoulsCoachDisqualifying + sFoulsCoachTechnical + sFoulsBenchTechnical + sFoulsTechnicalOther
sFoulsTechnical integer

sFoulsTechnicalOther integer

sFoulsThrowIn integer

A throw in, also known as an inbound pass, is a method of putting the ball into play in a basketball game.

sFoulsTotal integer

Calculated Field

sFoulsThrowIn + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsCoachDisqualifying + sFoulsCoachTechnical + sFoulsBenchTechnical + sFoulsTechnicalOther
sFoulsUnsportsmanlike integer

sFouledOut integer

sFreeThrowsAttempted integer

sFreeThrowsMade integer

sFreeThrowsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sFreeThrowsMade / sFreeThrowsAttempted
sLeadChanges integer

sMinutes decimal

sOffensivePointsPerPossession decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints / sPossessions
sOffensiveRating decimal

Calculated Field

sPoints * 100 / sPossessions
sPace decimal

Calculated Field

(NumberOfPeriods * PeriodLength ) * (( sPossessions + sOppPossessions ) / ( 2 * ( sMinutes /5 )))
sPoints integer

Calculated Field

(sTwoPointersMade * 2) + (sThreePointersMade * 3) + sFreeThrowsMade
sPointsAgainst integer

Calculated Field

sPointsFastBreak integer

sPointsFromTurnovers integer

sPointsInThePaint integer

sPointsInThePaintAttempted integer

sPointsInThePaintMade integer

sPointsInThePaintPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsInThePaintMade / sPointsInThePaintAttempted
sPointsSecondChance integer

sPossessions decimal

Calculated Field

0.5 * ((sFieldGoalsAttempted + 0.4 * sFreeThrowsAttempted - 1.07 * (sReboundsOffensive / (sReboundsOffensive + sOppReboundsDefensive )) * (sFieldGoalsAttempted - sFieldGoalsMade) + sTurnovers) + (sOppFieldGoalsAttempted + 0.4 * sOppFreeThrowsAttempted - 1.07 * (sOppReboundsOffensive / (sOppReboundsOffensive + sReboundsDefensive)) * (sOppFieldGoalsAttempted - sOppFieldGoalsMade) + sOppTurnovers))
sPossessionsOpponent decimal

Calculated Field

sReboundsDefensive integer

sReboundsOffensive integer

sReboundsPersonal integer

Calculated Field

(sReboundsDefensive - sReboundsTeamDefensive) + (sReboundsOffensive - sReboundsTeamOffensive)
sReboundsTeam integer

sReboundsTeamOffensive + sReboundsTeamDefensive
sReboundsTeamDefensive integer

sReboundsTeamOffensive integer

sReboundsTotal integer

Calculated Field

sReboundsOffensive + sReboundsDefensive
sReboundsDefensiveDeadball integer

Defensive deadball rebounds.

sReboundsOffensiveDeadball integer

Offensive deadball rebounds.

sSecondChancePointsAttempted integer

sSecondChancePointsMade integer

sSecondChancePointsPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sSecondChancePointsMade / sSecondChancePointsAttempted
sSteals integer

sThreePointersAttempted integer

sThreePointersMade integer

sThreePointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sThreePointersMade / sThreePointersAttempted
sTimeLeading decimal

sTimesScoresLevel integer

sTransitionDefence decimal

Calculated Field

sTransitionOffence decimal

Calculated Field

sPointsFastBreak / sSteals
sTurnovers integer

sTurnoversTeam integer

sTwoPointersAttempted integer

sTwoPointersMade integer

sTwoPointersPercentage decimal

Calculated Field

sTwoPointersMade / sTwoPointersAttempted
sHeadCoachChallengeAccepted integer

sHeadCoachChallengeRejected integer


    "teams": [{
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "total": {
            "team": {
                "sAssists": 4,
                "sReboundsTeamDefensive": 1,
                "sMinutes": 0,
                "sPointsFastBreak": 2,
                "sPointsFromTurnovers": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaint": 2,
                "sPointsInThePaintAttempted": 4,
                "sPointsInThePaintMade": 1,
                "sPointsSecondChance": 4,
                "sReboundsDefensive": 7,
                "sReboundsOffensive": 3,
                "sReboundsTeamOffensive": 1,
                "sFreeThrowsMade": 3,
                "sSecondChancePointsAttempted": 2,
                "sSecondChancePointsMade": 2,
                "sSteals": 0,
                "sTimeLeading": 0.5915,
                "sTimesScoresLevel": 2,
                "sThreePointersAttempted": 7,
                "sThreePointersMade": 2,
                "sTurnovers": 4,
                "sTurnoversTeam": 0,
                "sTwoPointersAttempted": 8,
                "sLeadChanges": 5,
                "sFreeThrowsAttempted": 6,
                "sAssistsDefensive": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsMade": 2,
                "sBenchPoints": 1,
                "sBiggestLead": 1,
                "sBiggestLeadScore": "12 - 11",
                "sBiggestScoringRun": 7,
                "sBlocks": 0,
                "sBlocksReceived": 0,
                "sEfficiencyCustom": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsAttempted": 2,
                "sFieldGoalsAttempted": 15,
                "sFoulsUnsportsmanlike": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsMade": 5,
                "sFoulsBenchTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachDisqualifying": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsDisqualifying": 0,
                "sFoulsOn": 3,
                "sFoulsOffensive": 0,
                "sFoulsPersonal": 2,
                "sFoulsTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsTechnicalOther": 0,
                "sTwoPointersMade": 3,
                "sAssistsTurnoverRatio": 1,
                "sPossessionsOpponent": 0,
                "sTransitionOffence": 0,
                "sTransitionDefence": 0,
                "sThreePointersPercentage": 0.28571428571429,
                "sSecondChancePointsPercentage": 1,
                "sReboundsTeam": 2,
                "sReboundsPersonal": 8,
                "sPossessions": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsPercentage": 1,
                "sPointsInThePaintPercentage": 0.25,
                "sPoints": 15,
                "sFreeThrowsPercentage": 0.5,
                "sFoulsTotal": 2,
                "sFoulsTeam": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsPercentage": 0.33333333333333,
                "sFieldGoalsEffectiveAdjusted": 0.4,
                "sTwoPointersPercentage": 0.375,
                "sDefensivePointsPerPossession": 0,
                "sDefensiveRating": 0,
                "sEfficiency": 6,
                "sOffensivePointsPerPossession": 0,
                "sOffensiveRating": 0,
                "sPace": 0,
                "sPointsAgainst": 18,
                "sReboundsTotal": 10,
                "sBiggestScoringRunScore": "12-11",
                "sHeadCoachChallengeAccepted": 0,
                "sHeadCoachChallengeRejected": 0
            "players": [{
                "sAssists": 0,
                "sReboundsDefensive": 0,
                "sPlus": 10,
                "sPoints": 2,
                "sPointsFastBreak": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaint": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintAttempted": 1,
                "sPointsInThePaintMade": 0,
                "sPointsSecondChance": 2,
                "sReboundsOffensive": 0,
                "sMVPVotes": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsAttempted": 1,
                "sSecondChancePointsMade": 1,
                "sSteals": 0,
                "sThreePointersAttempted": 2,
                "sThreePointersMade": 0,
                "sTurnovers": 0,
                "sTwoPointersMade": 1,
                "sMinutes": 7.6205,
                "sAssistsDefensive": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachDisqualifying": 0,
                "sBlocks": 0,
                "sBlocksReceived": 0,
                "sEfficiencyCustom": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsAttempted": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsMade": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsAttempted": 4,
                "sFieldGoalsMade": 1,
                "sFoulsCoachTechnical": 0,
                "sMinus": 11,
                "sFoulsDisqualifying": 0,
                "sFoulsOffensive": 0,
                "sFoulsOn": 0,
                "sFoulsPersonal": 0,
                "sFoulsTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsUnsportsmanlike": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsAttempted": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsMade": 0,
                "sTwoPointersAttempted": 2,
                "sAssistsTurnoverRatio": 0,
                "sReboundsTotal": 0,
                "sOffensiveRating": 0,
                "sTwoPointersPercentage": 0.5,
                "sTurnoversPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingAttempts": 4,
                "sThreePointersPercentage": 0,
                "sStealsPercentage": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsPercentage": 1,
                "sReboundsOffensivePercentage": 0,
                "sEfficiencyGameScore": -0.4,
                "sReboundsDefensivePercentage": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintPercentage": 0,
                "sPlusMinusPoints": -1,
                "sFreeThrowsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsPercentage": 0.25,
                "sFieldGoalsEffectivePercentage": 0.25,
                "sFastBreakPointsPercentage": 0,
                "sDefensiveRating": 0,
                "sEfficiency": -1,
                "sReboundsPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingPercentage": 0.25,
                "pno": 1
            }, {
                "sAssists": 2,
                "sReboundsDefensive": 0,
                "sPlus": 14,
                "sPoints": 0,
                "sPointsFastBreak": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaint": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintAttempted": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintMade": 0,
                "sPointsSecondChance": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensive": 0,
                "sMVPVotes": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsAttempted": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsMade": 0,
                "sSteals": 0,
                "sThreePointersAttempted": 0,
                "sThreePointersMade": 0,
                "sTurnovers": 0,
                "sTwoPointersMade": 0,
                "sMinutes": 7.9526666666667,
                "sAssistsDefensive": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachDisqualifying": 0,
                "sBlocks": 0,
                "sBlocksReceived": 0,
                "sEfficiencyCustom": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsAttempted": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsMade": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsAttempted": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsMade": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachTechnical": 0,
                "sMinus": 18,
                "sFoulsDisqualifying": 0,
                "sFoulsOffensive": 0,
                "sFoulsOn": 0,
                "sFoulsPersonal": 0,
                "sFoulsTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsUnsportsmanlike": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsAttempted": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsMade": 0,
                "sTwoPointersAttempted": 0,
                "sAssistsTurnoverRatio": 0,
                "sReboundsTotal": 0,
                "sOffensiveRating": 0,
                "sTwoPointersPercentage": 0,
                "sTurnoversPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingAttempts": 0,
                "sThreePointersPercentage": 0,
                "sStealsPercentage": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsPercentage": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensivePercentage": 0,
                "sEfficiencyGameScore": 1.4,
                "sReboundsDefensivePercentage": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintPercentage": 0,
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                "sFreeThrowsMade": 0,
                "sTwoPointersAttempted": 0,
                "sAssistsTurnoverRatio": 0,
                "sReboundsTotal": 0,
                "sOffensiveRating": 0,
                "sTwoPointersPercentage": 0,
                "sTurnoversPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingAttempts": 0,
                "sThreePointersPercentage": 0,
                "sStealsPercentage": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsPercentage": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensivePercentage": 0,
                "sEfficiencyGameScore": 0,
                "sReboundsDefensivePercentage": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintPercentage": 0,
                "sPlusMinusPoints": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsEffectivePercentage": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsPercentage": 0,
                "sDefensiveRating": 0,
                "sEfficiency": 0,
                "sReboundsPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingPercentage": 0,
                "pno": 7
            }, {
                "sAssists": 0,
                "sReboundsDefensive": 0,
                "sPlus": 0,
                "sPoints": 0,
                "sPointsFastBreak": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaint": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintAttempted": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintMade": 0,
                "sPointsSecondChance": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensive": 0,
                "sMVPVotes": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsAttempted": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsMade": 0,
                "sSteals": 0,
                "sThreePointersAttempted": 0,
                "sThreePointersMade": 0,
                "sTurnovers": 0,
                "sTwoPointersMade": 0,
                "sMinutes": 0,
                "sAssistsDefensive": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachDisqualifying": 0,
                "sBlocks": 0,
                "sBlocksReceived": 0,
                "sEfficiencyCustom": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsAttempted": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsMade": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsAttempted": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsMade": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachTechnical": 0,
                "sMinus": 0,
                "sFoulsDisqualifying": 0,
                "sFoulsOffensive": 0,
                "sFoulsOn": 0,
                "sFoulsPersonal": 0,
                "sFoulsTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsUnsportsmanlike": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsAttempted": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsMade": 0,
                "sTwoPointersAttempted": 0,
                "sAssistsTurnoverRatio": 0,
                "sReboundsTotal": 0,
                "sOffensiveRating": 0,
                "sTwoPointersPercentage": 0,
                "sTurnoversPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingAttempts": 0,
                "sThreePointersPercentage": 0,
                "sStealsPercentage": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsPercentage": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensivePercentage": 0,
                "sEfficiencyGameScore": 0,
                "sReboundsDefensivePercentage": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintPercentage": 0,
                "sPlusMinusPoints": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsEffectivePercentage": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsPercentage": 0,
                "sDefensiveRating": 0,
                "sEfficiency": 0,
                "sReboundsPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingPercentage": 0,
                "pno": 8
            }, {
                "sAssists": 0,
                "sReboundsDefensive": 0,
                "sPlus": 0,
                "sPoints": 0,
                "sPointsFastBreak": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaint": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintAttempted": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintMade": 0,
                "sPointsSecondChance": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensive": 0,
                "sMVPVotes": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsAttempted": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsMade": 0,
                "sSteals": 0,
                "sThreePointersAttempted": 0,
                "sThreePointersMade": 0,
                "sTurnovers": 0,
                "sTwoPointersMade": 0,
                "sMinutes": 0,
                "sAssistsDefensive": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachDisqualifying": 0,
                "sBlocks": 0,
                "sBlocksReceived": 0,
                "sEfficiencyCustom": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsAttempted": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsMade": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsAttempted": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsMade": 0,
                "sFoulsCoachTechnical": 0,
                "sMinus": 0,
                "sFoulsDisqualifying": 0,
                "sFoulsOffensive": 0,
                "sFoulsOn": 0,
                "sFoulsPersonal": 0,
                "sFoulsTechnical": 0,
                "sFoulsUnsportsmanlike": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsAttempted": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsMade": 0,
                "sTwoPointersAttempted": 0,
                "sAssistsTurnoverRatio": 0,
                "sReboundsTotal": 0,
                "sOffensiveRating": 0,
                "sTwoPointersPercentage": 0,
                "sTurnoversPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingAttempts": 0,
                "sThreePointersPercentage": 0,
                "sStealsPercentage": 0,
                "sSecondChancePointsPercentage": 0,
                "sReboundsOffensivePercentage": 0,
                "sEfficiencyGameScore": 0,
                "sReboundsDefensivePercentage": 0,
                "sPointsInThePaintPercentage": 0,
                "sPlusMinusPoints": 0,
                "sFreeThrowsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsPercentage": 0,
                "sFieldGoalsEffectivePercentage": 0,
                "sFastBreakPointsPercentage": 0,
                "sDefensiveRating": 0,
                "sEfficiency": 0,
                "sReboundsPercentage": 0,
                "sTrueShootingPercentage": 0,
                "pno": 17
            "period": 2,
            "periodType": "REGULAR"
    "type": "boxscore"


This message type contains an individual game action
type enum

The type of the message

messageId integer

Unique identifier of the message being sent

actionNumber integer

Unique sequence number for this action

teamNumber integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2.

pno integer

The number of the player in the match. This is a sequence number not a jersey number.

clock string

The time on the clock when this action occurred.

Format is: MM:SS:CC
shotClock string

The time on the shot clock when this action occurred.

Format is: MM:SS:CC
timeActual datetime

The date/time when this action occurred in UTC.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
period integer

What period of the match is this statistic related to. 0 is valid and represents the value for the total match. Overtime periods should start at 1.

periodType enum

The type of period

actionType string(20)

A code representating the action type. See Action Types for the list of options.

success enum

Was this action completed successfully? Generally all actions except scoring actions are successful.

Yes (Default)
subType string(20)

The subordinate type of the action. Used to further define the action. See Action Types for the list of options.

qualifiers array

An array of qualifiers to the action. See Action Types for the list of options.

value string(1000)

A text field. Some action types require a value. This is where that value will be placed. See Action Types for the list of actions that require this field.

previousAction integer

The actionNumber of the base/primary action if this action relates to another action. eg. For a freethrow/freekick, this may be the actionNumber of the original foul.

officialId integer

The unique identifier for the official calling the action

x float

X coordinate on the playing surface where the action occurred. Defined in Playing Surface Definition.

y float

Y coordinate on the playing surface where the action occurred. Defined in Playing Surface Definition.

area string

The area of the playing surface where the action occurred. Defined in Playing Surface Definition.

side enum

Indicates which side of the playing surface the player's/team's goal is.

Team's goal is to the left
Team's goal is to the right
score1 string

The score of team 1 when this action occurred. (If you are using the readlog call then this is different. This field represents the current score for team number 1. Even if this action is an edit for a previous period, this should be the current score.) The score should be the score after the completion of the action.

score2 string

The score of team 2 when this action occurred. (If you are using the readlog call then this is different. This field represents the current score for team number 2. Even if this action is an edit for a previous period, this should be the current score.) The score should be the score after the completion of the action.

players associativearray

team1 array

An array of pnos of the players that were active for team1 at the time of the action.

team2 array

An array of pnos of the players that were active for team2 at the time of the action.

edited datetime

If the action has been edited (after being initially sent) this field contains the last time it was edited (in UTC). If the action has not been edited, then this field is not present.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
inserted datetime

If the action has been missed previously and inserted (added out of sequence) later this field contains the time it was inserted (in UTC). If the action has not been inserted or added out of sequence during active workflow then this field is not present.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
deleted datetime

If the action has been deleted (after being initially sent) this field contains the time it was deleted (in UTC). If the action has not been deleted, then this field is not present.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
origMessageId integer

If this action is a delete/update then this field contains the messageId of the original message. Only present for the readlog message.

sendDelay float

Optional field. May be added from the capture device to indicate a delay (in seconds) before the message was sent.

completionDelay float

Optional field. May be added from the capture device to indicate the time taken (in seconds) to complete the entering of the action.

underReview enum

The action is not official as yet, it is being review by match officials or the organisation. This may occur in disputed actions or actions being checked by some kind of video.

No (Default)
orderNumber integer

Unique number identifiying the order of the action in the game. This number may not be sequential but will be unique. Sorting by this number will give the order of actions (and will account for edits and insertions).

possible enum

Optional field. May be added to indicate the action is not confirmed yet and do not affect any statistics. Require permission to retrieve possible actions.

No (Default)


    "pno": 15,
    "period": 1,
    "actionNumber": 16,
    "sendDelay": 0.129,
    "success": 1,
    "previousAction": 0,
    "messageId": 34,
    "periodType": "REGULAR",
    "score2": 2,
    "score1": 0,
    "y": 42.857,
    "x": 81.239,
    "subType": "layup",
    "qualifiers": ["pointsinthepaint"],
    "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:30",
    "completionDelay": 4.521,
    "shotClock": "00:00:00",
    "edited": "2017-03-05 13:01:34",
    "teamNumber": 2,
    "side": "right",
    "clock": "09:43:25",
    "area": "inthepaint",
    "actionType": "2pt",
    "system": 1,
    "timeSent": 1489449441.1916,
    "msgSequence": 34,
    "players": {
        "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
        "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]
    "type": "action"


This message type contains an array of 'sport' actions. This list of actions is the current state of the game and is the result of any inserts,edits,deletes. It does not contain any 'administrative' type actions.
type enum

The type of the message

actions array

Array of play by play actions, sorted ascending

actionNumber integer

Unique sequence number for this action

teamNumber integer

The number of the team in the match, 1 or 2.

pno integer

The number of the player in the match. This is a sequence number not a jersey number.

clock string

The time on the clock when this action occurred.

Format is: MM:SS:CC
shotClock string

The time on the shot clock when this action occurred.

Format is: MM:SS:CC
timeActual datetime

The date/time when this action occurred in UTC.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
period integer

What period of the match is this statistic related to. 0 is valid and represents the value for the total match. Overtime periods should start at 1.

periodType enum

The type of period

actionType string(20)

A code representating the action type. See Action Types for the list of options.

success enum

Was this action completed successfully? Generally all actions except scoring actions are successful.

Yes (Default)
subType string(20)

The subordinate type of the action. Used to further define the action. See Action Types for the list of options.

qualifiers array

An array of qualifiers to the action. See Action Types for the list of options.

value string(1000)

A text field. Some action types require a value. This is where that value will be placed. See Action Types for the list of actions that require this field.

previousAction integer

The actionNumber of the base/primary action if this action relates to another action. eg. For a freethrow/freekick, this may be the actionNumber of the original foul.

officialId integer

The unique identifier for the official calling the action

x float

X coordinate on the playing surface where the action occurred. Defined in Playing Surface Definition.

y float

Y coordinate on the playing surface where the action occurred. Defined in Playing Surface Definition.

area string

The area of the playing surface where the action occurred. Defined in Playing Surface Definition.

side enum

Indicates which side of the playing surface the player's/team's goal is.

Team's goal is to the left
Team's goal is to the right
score1 string

The score of team 1 when this action occurred. (If you are using the readlog call then this is different. This field represents the current score for team number 1. Even if this action is an edit for a previous period, this should be the current score.) The score should be the score after the completion of the action.

score2 string

The score of team 2 when this action occurred. (If you are using the readlog call then this is different. This field represents the current score for team number 2. Even if this action is an edit for a previous period, this should be the current score.) The score should be the score after the completion of the action.

players associativearray

team1 array

An array of pnos of the players that were active for team1 at the time of the action.

team2 array

An array of pnos of the players that were active for team2 at the time of the action.

edited datetime

If the action has been edited (after being initially sent) this field contains the last time it was edited (in UTC). If the action has not been edited, then this field is not present.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
inserted datetime

If the action has been missed previously and inserted (added out of sequence) later this field contains the time it was inserted (in UTC). If the action has not been inserted or added out of sequence during active workflow then this field is not present.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
deleted datetime

If the action has been deleted (after being initially sent) this field contains the time it was deleted (in UTC). If the action has not been deleted, then this field is not present.

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
origMessageId integer

If this action is a delete/update then this field contains the messageId of the original message. Only present for the readlog message.

sendDelay float

Optional field. May be added from the capture device to indicate a delay (in seconds) before the message was sent.

completionDelay float

Optional field. May be added from the capture device to indicate the time taken (in seconds) to complete the entering of the action.

underReview enum

The action is not official as yet, it is being review by match officials or the organisation. This may occur in disputed actions or actions being checked by some kind of video.

No (Default)
orderNumber integer

Unique number identifiying the order of the action in the game. This number may not be sequential but will be unique. Sorting by this number will give the order of actions (and will account for edits and insertions).

possible enum

Optional field. May be added to indicate the action is not confirmed yet and do not affect any statistics. Require permission to retrieve possible actions.

No (Default)


    "type": "playbyplay",
    "actions": [{
        "pno": 1,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 1,
        "sendDelay": 0.17,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 4,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:03",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449423.1848
    }, {
        "pno": 13,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 2,
        "sendDelay": 0.04,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 6,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:07",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449424.1854,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1]
    }, {
        "pno": 3,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 3,
        "sendDelay": 0.04,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 8,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:08",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449426.186,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13]
    }, {
        "pno": 5,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 4,
        "sendDelay": 0.051,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 10,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:12",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449427.1863,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3]
    }, {
        "pno": 9,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 5,
        "sendDelay": 0.045,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 12,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:13",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449428.1868,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5]
    }, {
        "pno": 15,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 6,
        "sendDelay": 0.028,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 14,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:16",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449429.1872,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9]
    }, {
        "pno": 2,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 7,
        "sendDelay": 0.04,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 16,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:17",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449430.1876,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15]
    }, {
        "pno": 3,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 8,
        "sendDelay": 0.042,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 18,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:18",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449430.188,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2]
    }, {
        "pno": 7,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 9,
        "sendDelay": 0.025,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 20,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:21",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449432.1883,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3]
    }, {
        "pno": 8,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 10,
        "sendDelay": 0.027,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 22,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "in",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 12:50:22",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
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        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "substitution",
        "timeSent": 1489449432.1886,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7]
    }, {
        "pno": 0,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 11,
        "sendDelay": 0.073,
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        "messageId": 25,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "start",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:00",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 0,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "game",
        "timeSent": 1489449435.1895,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]
    }, {
        "pno": 0,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 12,
        "sendDelay": 0.04,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 26,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "start",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:00",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 0,
        "clock": "10:00:00",
        "actionType": "clock",
        "system": 1,
        "timeSent": 1489449435.1897,
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            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]
    }, {
        "pno": 0,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 13,
        "sendDelay": 0.042,
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        "messageId": 29,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
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        "qualifiers": [],
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:00",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 0,
        "clock": "09:59:48",
        "actionType": "clock",
        "timeSent": 1489449436.1901,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]
    }, {
        "pno": 7,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 14,
        "sendDelay": 0.023,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 31,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "won",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:13",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "clock": "09:57:45",
        "actionType": "jumpball",
        "timeSent": 1489449438.1908,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]
    }, {
        "pno": 9,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 15,
        "sendDelay": 0.036,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 14,
        "messageId": 32,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 0,
        "score1": 0,
        "subType": "lost",
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:14",
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 1,
        "clock": "09:56:43",
        "actionType": "jumpball",
        "timeSent": 1489449439.191,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]
    }, {
        "pno": 0,
        "period": 1,
        "actionNumber": 16,
        "sendDelay": 0.028,
        "success": 1,
        "previousAction": 0,
        "messageId": 33,
        "periodType": "REGULAR",
        "score2": 2,
        "score1": 0,
        "y": 42.857,
        "x": 81.239,
        "subType": "jumpshot",
        "qualifiers": ["pointsinthepaint"],
        "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:30",
        "completionDelay": 1.983,
        "shotClock": "00:00:00",
        "teamNumber": 2,
        "side": "right",
        "clock": "09:43:25",
        "area": "inthepaint",
        "actionType": "2pt",
        "timeSent": 1489449440.1913,
        "players": {
            "team1": [1, 13, 3, 5, 9],
            "team2": [15, 2, 3, 7, 8]


This message type has information about the how the match was run. Usually it will only be sent once at the end of the match.
type enum

The type of the message

messageId integer

Unique identifier of the message being sent

timeActual datetime

The actual start date/time of the match in the UTC timezone

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
timeEndActual datetime

The actual end date/time of the match in the UTC timezone

Format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or Unfinished
duration integer

The duration (in minutes) of the match, excluding any pregame activities

durationActual integer

The actual duration of the match (mins) including timeouts, stoppages and period breaks.

temperature integer

The temperature during the match (degrees Celsius)

hasFlaggedActions enum

Indication if match has game actions that need to be fixed

No (Default)
attendance integer

The number of people who attended the match


    "durationActual": 97,
    "timeEndActual": "2017-03-05 14:38:01",
    "messageId": 923,
    "timeActual": "2017-03-05 13:01:11",
    "duration": 40,
    "attendance": 250,
    "temperature": 25,
    "hasFlaggedActions": 0,
    "type": "summary"

Action Types

For a particular action an event can have 1 type, 1 subtype and any number of qualifiers

If qualifiers are able to be used for a particular action/subType, then any number of qualifiers may be applied to the action.

If the subType indicates (blank) this means that the action can be used without a subType.

Sport Action Types

type subType qualifiers  
  • confirmed
  • confirmed
comment     Comment text should be passed in the value field
2pt   Applies to all 2pt subTypes:
  • 2ndchance
  • fastbreak
  • fromturnover
  • pointsinthepaint
  • blocked
3pt   Applies to all 3pt subTypes:
  • 2ndchance
  • fastbreak
  • fromturnover
  • blocked
freethrow   Applies to all freethrow subTypes:
  • 2ndchance
  • fastbreak
  • fromturnover
  defensive Applies to defensive subType:
  • team
  offensive Applies to offensive subType:
  • team
foul   Applies to all foul subTypes:
  • 1freethrow
  • 2freethrow
  • 3freethrow
  • oneandone
  offensive Applies to offensive subType:
  • block
  • charge
  • double
  • flagrant1
  • flagrant2
  personal Applies to personal foul subType:
  • shooting
  • looseball
  • double
  • flagrant1
  • flagrant2
  technical Applies to technical subType:
  • double
  • classa
  • flagrant2
  • contactdeadball
  • lifting
  benchTechnical Applies to benchTechnical subType:
  • double
  • classa
  coachTechnical Applies to coachTechnical subType:
  • double
  • classa
  • direct
  adminTechnical Applies to adminTechnical subType:
  • administrative
  • classb
  • benchclassb
  • coachclassb
  • coachindirect
adminTechnical subtype stands for technical fouls that are not included in any statistics.
  officials Applies to official subType:
  • bloodrule
  • callreview
  offensive Applies to offensive subType:
  • team
  5sec Applies to 5sec subType:
  • team
  other Applies to other subType:
  • team
bulksubstitution Applies to all subTypes:
  • players
  • players: send qualifiers as string |players:pno1,pno2,pno3|. ex. "players:3,4,5"
clock     (At some point in the future the clock messages will be made administrative only)
  • second_plus
  • second_minus
  • minute_plus
  • minute_minus
The number of seconds adjustment should be passed in the value field. Negative values are allowed
participated Applies to all subTypes:
  • players
  • players: send qualifiers as string |players:pno1,pno2,pno3|. ex. players:3,4,5;
headcoachchallenge   Applies to all headcoachchallenge subTypes:
  • accepted
  • rejected
  goalorinterference    goalorinterference stands for goaltending or basket interference violation review

Administrative Action Types

type subType qualifiers  
status     Indicates a change in the status of the match
  • prevgame
  • teamlate
  • early
The start time of the match has been changed. The delay in minutes should be passed in the value field. Negative delays are allowed (to indicate early start).
  loaded   The match has been loaded in the software
  ready   The match is ready to proceed in the software and the teams have been loaded
  inprogress   The match is currently in progress
  periodbreak   The match is currently in progress, but in a break between periods
  • underreview
  • equipment
  • venue
  • weather
  • spectator
  • medical
The match has been stopped temporarily and will resume after a delay. The delay in minutes should be passed in the value field. The qualifiers can be used to give a reason for the delay.
  cancelled   The match will not be started
  abandoned   The match has been stopped and will not restart
  rescheduled   The match has been stopped (or has not started) and will not start/restart. It will be played again at another time.
  finished   The match has come to the end
  protested   The match has come to the end, but the result has been protested
  complete   The match is complete, all scores have been confirmed and result is official
periodstatus     Indicates a change in the period status
  pending   Indicates the period is about to start
  started   Indicates the period has started
  ended   Indicates the period has ended
  confirmed   Indicates that scores have been confirmed for the period
  • kickedball
  • foul
The number of seconds adjustment should be passed in the value field. Negative values are allowed
  unreliable   Indicates that the state of the game being sent by the software differs significantly from the actual situation.
  reliable   Indicates that the state of the game being sent by the software now matches the actual situation.
risk (empty)
  • goal
  • cardyellow
  • var
  • cardred
  • penalty

Playing Surface Definitions


area, x, y and side are defined based upon the diagram below.

x and y are defined as percentage measurments of the total width and height of the basketball court. The origin (0,0) is the bottom left corner of the image meaning the top right point is (100,100).

A FIBA Standard Basketball Court length is 28m and the 3pt line is at 6.75m
Therefore the x coordinate of the 3pt line = 6.75/28 * 100 = 24.1
and the x coordinate of the other 3pt line = (28-6.75)/28 * 100 = 75.89

Action Areas

area is defined by which of the defined boxes the player was in when the action occurred.

The value of area in reference to the diagram are as follows:

Number on diagram Value
1 underbasket
2 inthepaint
3 insiderightwing
4 insideright
5 insidecenter
6 insideleft
7 insideleftwing
8 outsiderightwing
9 outsideright
10 outsidecenter
11 outsideleft
12 outsideleftwing
13 backcourt

Court Types(svg)

FIBA Court(svg)

NCAA Old Court(svg)

width 15.2m (50 feet)
length 28.7m (94 feet)
3pt line distance 6.32m (20 feet 9 inches)

NCAA New Court(svg)

width 15.2m (50 feet)
length 28.7m (94 feet)
3pt line distance 6.75m (22.15 feet)