Configuration Hints for a competition

Whilst consuming data from the API you are free to read any statistic column you please. This API call gives the league running the competition the ability to suggest to you what columns they suggest you should be using. This may be because they are not capturing some statistical data.

Request: GET

Get the details about a specific competition's configuration

HTTP Request

GET /v1/{sport}/competitions/{competitionId}/hint


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
competitionId integer The unique identifier for this competition.
Optional Parameters
configurationType string Configuration type:
useExternalForLeague integer If this value is set to the leagueId, then the URL parameter competitionId will instead refer to the externalId field of the competition entity in that league.

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful this method returns a Configuration Hint resource.

Request: POST, Request: PUT

Update detail about a competition's configuration. Both the PUT and POST verbs are accepted as the system will handle any creation/editing logic.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/{sport}/competitions/{competitionId}/hint


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
competitionId integer The unique identifier for this competition.
useExternalForLeague integer If this value is set to the leagueId, then the URL parameter competitionId will instead refer to the externalId field of the competition entity in that league. The content of the request body is also interpreted differently. See the Request Body section for more information.

Request Body

In the request body supply a Configuration Hint resource.

If the useExternalForLeague parameter is specified, then the following fields in the resource will be interpreted as the externalId of the specific entity instead of the unique identifier.


If successful this method returns a Configuration Hint resource.

Request: DELETE

Delete an existing competition Hint

HTTP Request

DELETE /v1/{sport}/competitions/{competitionId}/hint/{configurationType}


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
competitionId integer The unique identifier for this competition.
configurationType string Configuration type
useExternalForLeague integer If this value is set to the leagueId, then the URL parameter competitionId will instead refer to the externalId field of the competition entity in that league.