
Request: GET

Returns a list of leagues that the user has access to.

HTTP Request

GET /v1/{sport}/leagues


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
Optional Parameters
keywords string Display only where the league has the given keyword
countryCode string Display only when the league is in the country
competitionStandard string Display only when the league is of the specified standard

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful this method returns a list of League resources.

Request: GET

Get the detail about a specific league

HTTP Request

GET /v1/{sport}/leagues/{leagueId}


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
leagueId integer The unique identifier for this league

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful this method returns a League resource.

Request: POST

Create a new league

HTTP Request

POST /v1/{sport}/leagues


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request

Request Body

A League resource should be supplied in the request body.


If successful this method returns a League resource.

Request: PUT

Update an existing league

HTTP Request

PUT /v1/{sport}/leagues/{leagueId}


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
leagueId integer The unique identifier for this league

Request Body

A League resource should be supplied in the request body. Only the fields to be changed need to be specified.


If successful this method returns a League resource.