
Parameter Name Value Description Required
sport string readonly
uploadType string The type of upload. Check the parameter matrix for valid options. readonly
entityType string The type of entity the upload is for. eg. team, league. Check the parameter matrix for valid options. readonly
entityId integer The unique identification number for the entity. eg. personId, teamId. Check the parameter matrix for valid options. readonly
fileType string The type of file. Options are png and jpg. readonly
updated datetime When the file was last updated. readonly
files A list of files. - order is not guaranteed - Not all sizes may be available The key for the list is the size name.
size string The name of the size:
  • T1 75x75
  • S1 200x200
  • M1 400x400
  • L1 600x600
bytes integer The size of the file in bytes readonly
width integer The width of the image in pixels readonly
height integer The height of the image in pixels readonly
url URL The url for the image. Note The URL returned from this call is only valid for 5 hours and may change on subsequent calls. readonly
size string The name of the size:
  • T1 75x75
  • S1 200x200
  • M1 400x400
  • L1 600x600
            "sport" : "basketball",
            "uploadType" : "logo",
            "entityType" : "league",
            "entityId" : 123,
            "fileType" : "png",
            "updated" : "2013-04-20 18:30:00",
            "files": {
                "M1" : {
                  "size": "M1",
                  "bytes": 178956,
                  "width": 400,
                  "height": 400,
                  "url": "http://files.testhost.com/abc23349dcedf_m1.png"
                "T1" : {
                  "size": "T1",
                  "bytes": 2456,
                  "width": 75,
                  "height": 75,
                  "url": "http://files.testhost.com/abc23349dcedf_t1.png"
                "S1" : {
                  "size": "S1",
                  "bytes": 123000,
                  "width": 200,
                  "height": 200,
                  "url": "http://files.testhost.com/abc23349dcedf_s1.png"
                "L1" : {
                  "size": "L1",
                  "bytes": 198678,
                  "width": 600,
                  "height": 600,
                  "url": "http://files.testhost.com/abc23349dcedf_l1.png"