Scoring Location Summary

Request: GET

Returns a list of scoring location area groupings per action type, team, area, side and success. For a single competition.

HTTP Request

GET /v1/{sport}/competitions/{competitionId}/scoringlocations


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
competitionId integer Unique identifier for the competition.
Optional Parameters
teamId integer Unique identifier for the team.
personId integer Unique identifier for the person.
matchType string Is this value for what type of matches the team was in. If not provided, then 'ALL' is assumed.
  • ALL
useExternalForLeague integer If this value is set to the leagueId of the competition, then the URL parameters competitionId, teamId and personId will instead refer to the externalId fields of their respective entities in that league.

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful this method returns an array of Scoring Location Summary resources.