Build statistics for a match

Request: POST

This call allows the user to tell the system to build all the generated statistics resulting from a particular match. This includes statistics generated from data of the opposing team as well as Team Competition Statistics, Person Competition Statistics and Person CareerStatistics.

This call should only be made after all the information about a particular match has been updated successfully.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/{sport}/leagues/{leagueId}/statistics/matches/build


Parameter Name Value Description
Required Parameters
sport string The sport for which you are making the request
leagueId integer The unique identifier for this league.
Optional Parameters
bulk integer Create multiple records.
useExternalForLeague integer If this value is set to the leagueId, then the content of the request body is interpreted differently. See the Request Body section for more information.

Request Body

In the request body supply a Match Statistics Build resource. If the bulk parameter is specified a list of resources is expected.

If the useExternalForLeague parameter is specified, then the following fields in the resource will be interpreted as the externalId of the specific entity instead of the unique identifier.


Successful this method returns SUCCESS.